Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (11: FEAR OF FORGETTING)

TRAP 11: FEAR OF FORGETTING YOU: “Ok, I’ll try to memorize my script, I’m so afraid I’ll forget my lines on stage.” ME: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou “Once you’ve given it Read more…

Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (10 WINGIN’ IT)

Trap 10: “WINGIN’ IT” YOU: “I don’t really believe in memorizing and rehearsing. If I “over-rehearse” I’ll sound like a robot delivering lines, instead of a real human being… I’m more of a wing-it, improv-type person. It always goes better that way. If I can’t do that here, I’m out.” ME: Read more…

Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (9: YOU’RE STILL THE SAME)

TRAP 9: YOU’RE STILL THE SAME YOU: Telling a story where nothing changes from the beginning to the end. ME: “You’re going to tell this story a lot of times. Some scientists say that our entire identity is a collection of memories. Repetition re-inscribes what is. So whatever truth you claim Read more…

Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (6: COMPARE AND CONTRAST)

TRAP 6: “COMPARE AND CONTRAST“ YOU: “I feel a bit out of place here, being a professional comedian/speaker/actor (or other kind of professional). It’s not that I’m… better than you all, but I’m just not learning as much as I’d like to, being surrounded by, let’s face it, people struggling Read more…

Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (5: COMPARE AND COMPLAIN)

TRAP 5: “COMPARE AND COMPLAIN“ YOU: (SECRETLY, INSIDE) “Maria is so good. Can I even compete with her brilliance/humor/presence? (I can’t.)” ME: “It’s so difficult for us to see our own gifts. We are literally blind to our own genius. Our brains evolved to escape from tigers and bears. That’s how Read more…

Creative Traps to Avoid

Escape 12 Traps of Creative Resistance, Turn Sabotage into Success, and Use Art for Awakening (4: AUTHORITY FIGURE ISSUES)

TRAP 4: “AUTHORITY FIGURE ISSUES” YOU: “I don’t like how you’re leading this workshop. I quit. (And I know it’s non-refundable, but can I have my money back?)” ME: “You may not like me, and you may find my leadership style irritating. I seem bossy and maybe you don’t like how Read more…