Creative Heart Coaching Readiness Assessment

Coaching is a journey of personal discovery that requires commitment and willingness to change. Spend a few moments reflecting on the statements below and ask yourself if you agree with each item.

    • I take personal responsibility for where I am at right now and where I want to be.

       Yes  No

    • I want more from my life and am ready to make significant changes in order to reach my goals.

       Yes  No

    • I am fully committed to investing my time, energy, money and other resources into my personal growth.

       Yes  No

    • I am fully committed to take an active role in my self-development. I understand that the coaching relationship is co-designed and co-created. I am willing to collaborate with my coach to design my goals and action steps.

       Yes  No

    • I honor my commitments and keep my word (e.g., I am on-time to sessions, complete assignments, etc.).

       Yes  No

    • I am ready to trying new things, take risks and stretch outside my comfort zone.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to let go of limiting beliefs, behaviors and habits.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to immediately inform my coach when something in the process isn’t working or serving my learning and to specifically request what I want/need from the coaching relationship.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to stay with the coaching process, even if it gets scary, messy, emotional and/or uncomfortable. I trust that this is often where the deepest learning can come from.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to get direct, honest feedback and have powerful requests made of me. I am open to getting called on my B.S.

       Yes  No

    • I surround myself with positive people who will support and challenge me on my journey. I am willing to seek out more allies.

       Yes  No

    • I understand that clarity and transformation can take time. I’m not looking for a quick fix. I have the patience and dedication to see myself through my commitment.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to take time out of my busy schedule to pause, reflect and breathe.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to always look for the learning and celebrate successes.

       Yes  No

    • I am willing to laugh at myself, have fun and practice self-compassion.

       Yes  No

    • I am eager to begin my journey and excited to move toward my dreams!

       Yes  No


      If you answered several with “No,” we can explore what might be holding you back and if coaching is the best option for you or not.

      If you have responded mostly “Yes,” then you are probably primed for getting the most out of coaching — let’s get started!