Trap 10: “WINGIN’ IT”

YOU: “I don’t really believe in memorizing and rehearsing. If I “over-rehearse” I’ll sound like a robot delivering lines, instead of a real human being… I’m more of a wing-it, improv-type person. It always goes better that way. If I can’t do that here, I’m out.”

ME: “In my Solo Showdown workshop, for the final performance, I require participants to write a script and then memorize and deliver the words they wrote in the script. This may be the first or the last time (or both) in your life that you ever do this, and it’s truly worthwhile. This enables to do a few key things:

  1. Keep to the time allotted (so you don’t show disrespect for the audience and fellow performers)
  2. Ensure you “hit all the notes” in your story (so you don’t forget or blunder the best parts of what you wrote, the way you wrote it)
  3. Know the words of your story so well you can truly relax (so you can have an experience with the audience which is the most important aspect of being on stage)
  4. Feel so confident in your preparation that, should the occasion arise, you can improvise in the moment, and know you can come back to the next beat seamlessly

There’s nothing like the confidence of feeling of knowing exactly what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it on stage, even just once. I can promise you that if you only do this once in your life, and you give it your all, you will be so happy you did.

Alicia Dattner

Comedian and Creatrix Alicia Dattner is an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning performer who loves to help others use the power of humor to transform their lives and write a new unfolding story for the world.


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